Monday, January 24, 2011

"May I know who is speaking there?"

Elok selesai solat asar, henfon aku bergetar.

Wanita: Hello. Is this Erman xoxo (nama mengikut ic)?

Aku: Yes this is Erman xoxo speaking.

Wanita: This is a phone interview. Ok, tell me about yourself.

Aku: Sure. I'm Erman. 25 years old. A fresh grad. Just receive my bachelor degree in chemical engineering last november and currently seeking an entry to launch my career  that best suit my chemical engineering knowledge.

(Dengan konfiden aku menjawab. Lama dah berlatih, ada peluang ni gua tibai cukup-cukup)

Wanita: Oh. Actually I'm Ms Diana, calling from xoxo Pizza HQ.

Aku:...... (Malu dua saat disitu)

Inilah kata orang tua-tua, "Malu bertanya sesat jalan."

Pengajaran- kalau ada phone interview, anda haruslah mulakan dengan,

"May I know who is speaking there?" 

Walaubagaimanapun, alhamdulilah.
Kata keramat hari ini oleh Ms Diana, "Ok you may start working on Wednesday"

Kerja pertama di Call Center?
Apapun ini berita gembira buat aku.

Hampir 2 bulan asyik mengepau duit ibu bapa, panggilan petang ini satu panggilan penting buat aku untuk jadi insan berguna.

Biarlah mula dari bawah. Bak kata orang tua:

Berakit-rakit ke hulu,
berenang-renang ke tepian...

Ayat seterusnya?
Aduhai, sudah gaharu cendana pula.

Sekian sahaja, coretan hamba untuk hari ini. Assalamualaikum.


  1. hi erman..tq 4 reading my post..aneway if u interested to work in cocoa industry,actuLLY my ex comp really want to find my replacement,but nobody want to work there..hehe actually its a gud experiences working in delfi cocoa..such a nice n huge process u can learn there..n fud industry is very interesting.but u cN TRY TO apply if u want to....just send ur cv to the hr delfi cocoa n apply thge post of management trainee (process)...gud luck!!

  2. alright... thanks miss awin for the info.

    my interview with barry calleabaut was fantastic i believe, but there are looking for experienced process engineer.

    definitely i will send my to delfi.
    thanks again =)

  3. terbaek santai2 camni mmg sedap dilayan..haha..per2 pun, enjoy your working days

  4. terima kasih... masih belajar.
    ya hidup perlu padu! mcm mr. positif. hehe
